shape something using an instrument, cut into shape, cut down in size, chisel something, trim or cut down with a sharp instrument, carve
Part of Speech
shape something using an instrument, cut into shape, cut down in size, chisel something, trim or cut down with a sharp instrument, carveSample Sentences
Mąąsxųnųįk že’e yaa’ų waišo. - I used a hatchet to shape them.
Nąąra hanąąc waraišo? - Did you cut them all into shape?
Ciišura haišora paahi jįįp haaną. - I trimmed down the tent pole and made it sharp.
Nąąboza nąąka nee waraišo? - Did you trim down those posts?
LQAdditional Media
Morphology: haišo, raišo